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It is estimated that there are currently approximately 13 million women in the UK who are perimenopausal or postmenopausal.  That equates to around one third of the entire female population. Whilst a small of number of these women will experience very mild symptoms, the vast majority will live with some severely debilitating symptoms, that can last up to 15 years. 
Yet, this is a tragically underserved demographic when it comes to knowledge.  Proper support for helping these women is lacking when it comes to the vast majority of fitness trainers or health professionals working with them.
These workshops aim to redress that balance and my mission is for you to leave them feeling empowered, armed with knowledge and positive for the future.
£47 for 60 mins
1:1 online
Are you in your late 30s, 40s or even early 50s and have been experiencing changes that are impacting the way you train? Maybe you think you could be in perimenopause but you really aren't sure?  Perhaps you know that hormone changes cause a whole array of symptoms but you have no idea how that really impacts you and your workout routine?  Or maybe you already know you are in perimenopause but you have absolutely no clue how to improve your symptoms or where even to start with looking for answers...
  • Vertigo and severe dizziness at certain times of the month?
  • Stubborn weight gain around your middle that diet and exercise will not touch?
  • Frequent and irregular bleeding that can lead to anaemia, exhaustion and weakness?
  • Joint pain that can affect the knees, elbows, neck, shoulders or hands?
  • Racing heart and palpitations that can cause extreme panic and distress?
  • Incontinence that certain exercises can exacerbate?
If you don't know these facts and you are pushing yourself through punishing workouts or following advice on diet and nutrition from someone who is not menopause trained, then you could find yourself getting injured or making your journey through midlife much harder than it needs to be.  
If any of this sound familiar, then this MENOPAUSE FITNESS POWER HOUR is your one-stop shop to get some answers to all those questions and more. 
Every woman in perimenopause will have her own unique journey and her own individual set of symptoms.  It is absolutely crucial to have as much knowledge as possible to help you navigate this time and live positively.  There are changes that you can implement TODAY to help you manage the process more easily and the earlier you get these in place, the better your outcomes are likely to be.
* 60 minute 1:1 online workshop 
* An understanding of some of the most common perimenopause symptoms 
* A discussion about your symptoms and some practical tips for how to manage them
* A downloadable information pack of resources, recommendations and top tips to guide you
* Access to a private facebook group packed full of video guides on powering through midlife
I am absolutely passionate about empowering women to live their life as they deserve.  For so many women, their own self-care is at the bottom of their never-ending list of priorities.  They arrive at midlife running on empty and feel thrown into a world of uncertainty and overwhelm when their hormones wreak havoc and affect every aspect of their lives.  But it doesn't have to be like this.  Making changes NOW can help you live a positive life in midlife and beyond.  Take back control and discover how to THRIVE at midlife. 
To book online or make a discovery call to see how I can help you please follow the links below.
£77 for 75 mins
1:1 or Group Online
Are you a gym owner, personal trainer, fitness instructor or health professional who works in the fitness industry?  Do you have clients who are women aged from their late 30s to their early 50s and beyond?  If you answered yes to these questions then look below to ask yourself how well you are truly serving this unique category of women...
  • Vertigo and severe dizziness at certain times of the month?
  • Stubborn weight gain around their middle that diet and exercise will not touch?
  • Frequent and irregular bleeding that can lead to anaemia, exhaustion and weakness?
  • Joint pain that can affect the knees, elbows, neck, shoulders or hands?
  • Racing heart and palpitations that can cause extreme panic and distress?
  • Incontinence that certain exercises can exacerbate?
If you don't know these facts and you are pushing these women through punishing workouts or giving her incorrect advice on diet and nutrition then you are not serving her as well as you could.  You could also find yourself injuring her or making her journey through perimenopause even worse.  
Now I KNOW you want to do your best by your clients and I know you truly believe that the advice you are giving is best for them.  But this category of clients are unique and you need to look after them differently than other clients.  In the same way you need a qualification or some knowledge to deal with ante or post natal clients, the same applies to women in perimenopause and beyond.  But unfortunately this knowledge is hard to come by as very few training providers offer this specific advice. This is where my interactive menopause workshop for fitness professionals comes in...
* 75 minute interactive online workshop
* A discussion about some of the ways that you can best serve this particular group of clients 
* A downloadable information pack of resources, recommendations and top tips to guide you
* An informative quiz to give you an understanding of some of the most common perimenopause symptoms 
I am absolutely passionate about empowering women to live their life as they deserve.  For so many women, their own self-care is at the bottom of their never-ending list of priorities.  They arrive at midlife running on empty and feel thrown into a world of uncertainty and overwhelm when their hormones wreak havoc and affect every aspect of their lives.  It often means that they end up giving up their exercise routines, avoid the gym and stop using their personal trainers. But it doesn't have to be like this.  With the right understanding and encouragement you can help them live a positive life in midlife and beyond. With your help, these women can learn to THRIVE as they truly deserve.
To book online or make a discovery call to see how I can help you please follow the links below.
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